About Debra

Dr. Debra Greene
Transformational Psychology
Debra Greene, PhD, is a mind-body integration specialist and frequently quoted expert in the fields of energy medicine and energy psychology. She combines the best of ancient wisdom with modern science in her private practice, writings, lectures, and nationwide media appearances. Debra has worked with thousands of clients and taught hundreds of workshops.
Author of the acclaimed book, Endless Energy: The Essential Guide to Energy Health, Debra is an engaging instructor, a dynamic presenter, and sought-after practitioner. She started her private practice in 1993 and is the founder of Inner Clarity (IC), an integrative balancing method that uses energy kinesiology to pinpoint hidden core beliefs and a variety of energy based techniques to facilitate lasting improvement.
Debra has co-presented with Biology of Belief author Bruce Lipton, Ph.D., and has been an invited guest panelist on energy medicine topics. Along with Oprah Winfrey, Michelle Obama, J.K. Rowling and other notable women, Debra is a contributing author in the book, Goddess Shift: Women Leading for a Change. An active presenter, she has facilitated hundreds of
workshops, trainings, and presentations over the years for organizations such as the International Society for the Study of Subtle Energies and Energy Medicine (ISSSEEM), the Energy Kinesiology Association (EnKA), and the Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology (ACEP).
A former regular teacher at Esalen, Debra taught trainings and workshops there between 2001-2006. She has also been a frequently invited teacher-in-residence who worked with the Esalen staff as well as the Esalen Directors Team. She taught full-time in the Graduate School for Holistic Studies at John F. Kennedy University where she developed a Master’s degree program in Holistic Health Education. Teaching courses such as Principles of Holistic Health, the Psychology and Physiology of Stress, Social Transformation, and Paradigms of Consciousness were her passion. She worked with author Fred Luskin, PhD, as a founding member of the Academic Consortium for the Advancement of Holistic Health.
A graduate of Ohio State University with a rigorous and rare PhD in Communication and Somatic Studies, Debra is an energy adept, professionally trained facilitator, presenter and writer. As an energy kinesiologist, she trained directly with then-President of the International Kinesiology College (IKC), Grethe Fremming, and IKC faculty Rolf Havsboel, completing their eight level training program in record time.
When LifeFest needed a presenter to speak on Energy Work alongside Phyllis Foromoto, the Lineage Bearer of Reiki, they invited Debra. She served as President of the Hawaii Wellness Tourism Association (HWTA) for two consecutive terms and worked in conjunction with the Hyatt Regency Maui and Maui Wellness Institute to develop a wellness program. Currently, she is on staff at the Four Seasons Resort Maui where she serves as a wellness consultant, teaches meditation, and offers private therapeutic sessions.
Debra has a private practice on Maui, where she lives. She offers her life transforming online program, Energy Mastery for Self Care: The Art & Science of Applied Energetics, accredited for CEs by the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork (NCBTMB), and private phone/zoom sessions worldwide. Choose from Individual Counseling, Couples Counseling, Subconscious Self Integration and Inner Clarity.
Debra Greene CV (Curriculum Vitae)
Professional Experience
Author, professional speaker, recognized expert on energy medicine and mind-body integration, 1997-present.
Workshop facilitator and trainer, various international locations, 1993-present.
Practitioner of healing arts, private practice, Maui, Hawaii, 1998-present.
Wellness consultant, meditation instructor, mind-body medicine practitioner, Four Seasons Resort, Maui, Hawaii, 2010-present.
Founder, Inner Clarity (IC), transformational psychology modality, 2005-present.
Founder, Energy Mastery: Self-Actualization through the Art and Science of Applied Energetics, e-course, 2010-present.
Facilitator, PAIRS (Practical Application of Intimate Relationship Skills), Private Practice, Maui, Hawaii, 2000-present.
Instructor, Maui Academy of Healing Arts, Kihei, Hawaii, 1999-2011.
Visiting Teacher, Esalen Institute, Big Sur, California, various dates 2002-2007.
Curriculum Development and Master Trainer, University of Hawaii-Maui, VITEC, (Visitor Industry Training & Economic Development Center), Maui, Hawaii, 2002-2004.
Lecturer, Foundations Unit, University of Hawaii-Maui, Hawaii, 2000-2004.
Adjunct Professor, Consciousness Studies, John F. Kennedy University, Orinda, California, 1995-1999.
Assistant Professor, Holistic Health, John F. Kennedy University, Orinda, California, 1995-1998.
Practitioner, Transformational Kinesiology, Private Practice, Oakland, California, 1995-1998.
Practitioner, Transformational Kinesiology, Columbus Psychological Center, Columbus, Ohio, 1994-1995.
Teaching Associate, Department of Communication, Ohio State University, 1992-1995.
Research Associate, The Graduate School, Ohio State University, 1991-1992.
Teaching Associate, Department of Communication, University of Kansas, 1989-1991.
Education and Licensure
Ph.D. Communication and Somatic Studies: Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, June 1995. Dissertation: Embodying Holism: A Somatic Perspective on Communication.
M.A. Intercultural Communication. Minor: Interpersonal Communication. University of Kansas-Lawrence, May, 1991.
B.A. Communication. Minor: Philosophy. College of St. Benedict, St. Joseph, Minnesota, May, 1981.
Member, Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society, Ohio State University Chapter, elected May, 1994.
Certified Transformational Kinesiology Educator, Polaris International College, Copenhagen, Denmark, June, 1995-2009.
Minister of Body/Mind Healing, Association for the Integration of the Whole Person (AIWP), Ordained November, 1997, serving 1997-present.
Certified Practical Application of Intimate Relationship Skills (PAIRS) Facilitator, PAIRS Foundation, August, 2000-present.
Licensed to Perform Marriages, State of Hawaii, September, 2001-present.
Certified Personal Self Integration (PSI) trainer, Center for Human Potential, Sedona, Arizona, 2012-present.
Books and Articles Published
Greene, D. (Jan, 2021). How Do Energy Psychology Modalities Work?: An Energy-Based Theoretical Perspective. The International Journal of Healing and Caring, 21 (1).
Leskowitz, E., Heath, A., Greene, D., Burk, L., Tsafrir, J. & Flemke, K. (July, 2016). Psychospiritual Reflections on the 2016 US Elections. The International Journal and Healing and Caring, 16 (2).
Greene, D. (March/April, 2014). How’s Your Energy Hygiene? The Intelligent Optimist. 12 (2), 22.
Greene, D. (Spring, 2013). Expanding the Dialogue: Exploring Contributions from Energy Medicine. International Body Psychotherapy Journal. 12 (1), 56-73.
Greene, D. (Sept/Oct., 2013). The Attitude of Gratitude. Article published in Energy Magazine, bimonthly magazine of Healing Touch Professional Association. Issue 69:10-11.
Greene, D. (2012). Contributing author to Breakthroughs in Natural Healing 2012, Editor: Bill Gottlieb, Bottom Line Books Ch.1, 13-14.
Greene, D. (September, 2012). Expert contributing author to What Thin People Know: The 10 Habits Skinny People Live By. Editor: Diane Bocco, Imbolc Books.
Greene, D. Nov/Dec., 2012). Got Karma? Releasing the Ties That Bind. Article published in Energy Magazine, bimonthly magazine of Healing Touch Professional Organization.
Greene, D. (Spring, 2012). Ethics Spotlight. Article published in EnKA quarterly newsletter of the Energy Kinesiology Association.
Greene, D. (Fall, 2011). Tales From the Clinic: Working Inside Out. Article published in EnKA quarterly newsletter of the Energy Kinesiology Association.
Greene, D. (Spring, 2011). The Paradox of Consciousness. Article published in Light of Consciousness magazine.
Greene, D. (November, 2010). Is Your Cell Phone Killing You? Article published in WE Magazine.
Greene, D. (October, 2010). Energy Medicine and the Multidimensional Model. Article published in Noetic Now by the Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS).
Greene, D. (July, 2010). The Language of the Life Force: Energy is Inergy. Article published in Ki Awareness magazine.
Greene, D. (May, 2010). Energy Health and Hygiene: The Personal is Planetary. Chapter in Goddess Shift: Women Leading for a Change. Fulton, CA: Elite.
Greene, D. (August, 2009). Endless Energy: The Essential Guide to Energy Health. Maui, HI: MetaComm Media.
Greene, D. (November, 2009). The Role of Inner Clarity (IC) in Transforming Beliefs at the Core. Article published in The Energy Field by the Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology (ACEP).
Greene, D. (September/October, 2006). Curious About Kinesiology? Article published in Inspiration: Hawaii’s Wellness Journal.
Greene, D. (2004, October/November). The Ego’s Opportunity. Article published in the Maui Vision, 4 (4).
Greene, D. (2003, October). Transformational Kinesiology Accesses the Soul. Article published in the Maui Vision, 3(4), 10.
Greene, D. (2003, February). Curious About Kinesiology? Chapter in The Call to Hawaii: A Wellness Vacation Guidebook, Honolulu, HI: Aloha Wellness.
Greene, D. (2001, July 16). What is Holistic Health? Article published in the Maui News, Kahului, Hawaii.
Greene, D. (2002, January). The Relationship Between the Mind and the Body. Article published in the Maui News.
Greene, D. (1999, September). Transformational Kinesiology: Illuminating the Shadow, Living the Light. Article published in the Maui Voice, 3(3), 27-28.
Greene, D. (1997-98). Assumptions of Somatics: Part II. Somatics: Magazine-Journal of the Mind/Body Arts and Sciences, 11(3), 50-54.
Greene, D. (1997, September/October). Embodying Education. Article published in Perspective by the Association of HumanisticPsychology. 29-31.
Greene, D. (1997). Assumptions of Somatics: Part I. Somatics: Magazine-Journal of the Mind/Body Arts and Sciences, 11(2), 50-54.
Greene, D. (1995). Toward Mainstreaming Somatics: Proprioception and Speech Anxiety. Somatics: Magazine-Journal of the Mind/Body Arts and Sciences, 10 (2).
Greene, D., Araujo, A., & Kelly, V. (1992). Cultural Diversity and Public Speaking Strategies. In M. L. Hummert and K. Jensen, (Eds.), Handbook of Speaker-audience Communication. New York: McGraw-Hill.
Greene, D., Araujo, A., & Kelly, V. (1991). Cultural Diversity and Public Speaking Strategies. In M. L. Hummert, C. Benoit and T. Helmick, (Eds.), Public Speaking Competence: Theory and Practice. New York: McGraw-Hill.
Professional Presentations
Greene, D. (May, 2019). How Do Energy Psychology Modalities Work? An Energy-Based Theoretical Model. Presentation at the Research Symposium for the 21st annual Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology (ACEP) conference, Albuquerque, New Mexico.
Greene, D. (May, 2018). Take it Like a Soul: The Therapeutics of Detachment. Invited workshop at the 20th annual Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology (ACEP) conference, Orlando, Florida.
Greene, D. (October, 2017). The Multidimensional Human: Portals for Transformation. Presentation at the Canadian Association for Integrative and Energy Therapies (CAIET) 19th annual conference, Vancouver, BC, Canada.
Greene, D. (May, 2017). Consciousness and Karma: Releasing the Ties That Bind. Presentation at the Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology (ACEP) conference, San Antonio, Texas.
Greene, D. (July, 2016). The Multidimensional Human: Science and Subtle Energies. Lecture at the Boulder Society for Scientific Exploration (SSE), Boulder, Colorado.
Greene, D. (June, 2016). Applied Energetics: The Four Energy Bodies in a Kinesiology Context. Breakout session at the annual Touch for Health Kinesiology conference, Salt Lake City, Utah.
Greene, D., & Leskowitz, R. (June, 2016). Multidimensional Energetics: The Personal is Planetary. Preconference workshop at the Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology (ACEP) annual conference, Santa Clara, California.
Greene, D. (June, 2015). The Four Energy Bodies: Tools for Transformation. Presentation at the International Society for the Study of Subtle Energies and Energy Medicine (ISSSEEM) conference, Lee’s Summit, Missouri.
Greene, D. (June, 2015). Powerful Pretests: Prana, Presence and Proprioception. Presentation at the Touch for Health annual conference, Chapel Hill, North Carolina.
Greene, D. (May, 2015). Multidimensional Presence: Transformational Tools for Clinicians and Clients. Presentation at the Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology (ACEP) conference, Reston, Virgina.
Greene, D., Leskowitz, R. & Grady, H. (May, 2014). Sedona Earth Energies: Activating Broader Levels of Healing. Pre-conference workshop, Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology (ACEP) conference, Phoenix, Arizona.
Greene, D. (May, 2013). Energy Medicine and the Multidimensional Human: Practices and Tools for Transformation. Workshop taught at Naropa University, Boulder, Colorado.
Greene, D. (August, 2012). Energy Medicine Meets Somatics: The Role of the Etheric Body in Body Psychotherapy. Presentation at the United States Association for Body Psychotherapy (USABP) annual conference, Boulder, Colorado.
Greene, D. (August, 2012). Self-Transformation Through the Four Energy Bodies. Presentation given at the Healing Touch Worldwide conference, San Antonio, Texas.
Greene, D. (August, 2012). Energy Mastery: Use and Care of Your Energy Bodies. Post-Conference workshop taught at the Healing Touch Worldwide conference, San Antonio, Texas.
Greene, D. (June, 2012). The Multidimensional Model: The Personal is Planetary. Presentation given at the American Holistic Nurses Association (AHNA) conference, Snowbird, Utah.
Greene, D. (June, 2012). Energy Psychology and the Multidimensional Model. Presentation at the Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology (ACEP) conference, San Diego, California
Greene, D. (October, 2011). The Energy Bodies as a Means of Personal Transformation. Workshop taught at the 15th Annual Healing Touch International (HTI) conference, Waikoloa, Hawaii.
Greene, D. (September, 2011). Integrating Body, Mind, and Spirit: The Inner Clarity (IC) Four Bodies Protocol. Presentation at the 19th Annual Energy Kinesiology Association conference, Santa Fe, New Mexico.
Greene, D. (August, 2011). Energy Medicine and the Multidimensional Model. Presentation at the Healing Touch Worldwide conference, San Antonio, Texas.
Greene, D. (June, 2011). How You See is What You Get: Perception, Consciousness, and Reality. Presentation at the 21st Annual International Society for the Study of Subtle Energies and Energy Medicine (ISSSEEM) conference, Westminster, Colorado.
Greene, D. (June, 2011). Five Principles of Your Etheric Body. Breakout session at the 21st Annual International Society for the Study of Subtle Energies and Energy Medicine (ISSSEEM) conference, Westminster, Colorado.
Greene, D. (July, 2010). Balancing to the Core with the Inner Clarity (IC) Four Bodies Protocol. Presentation at the Touch for Health (TFH) Annual Conference, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
Greene, D. (June, 2010). Energy Anatomy and Physiology. Presentation at the 20th Annual International Society for the Study of Subtle Energies and Energy Medicine (ISSSEEM) conference, Westminster, Colorado.
Greene, D. (July, 2009). Energy: Our Common Denominator. Keynote Speaker at the Energy Kinesiology, Touch for Health, International Association of Specialized Kinesiologists Joint Conference, Washington, DC.
Greene, D. (July, 2009). Wired About Wireless: Electromagnetic Radiation and Energy Health. Presentation at the Energy Kinesiology, Touch for Health, International Association of Specialized Kinesiologists Joint Conference, Washington, DC.
Greene, D. (June, 2009). Hawaiian Language: The Song of the Heart. Presentation at 19th Annual International Society for the Study of Subtle Energies and Energy Medicine (ISSSEEM) conference, Westminster, Colorado.
Greene, D. (May, 2009). Energy Follows Intent: The Role of Inner Clarity (IC) in Transforming Beliefs at the Core. Presentation at the Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology (ACEP) conference, Orlando, Florida.
Greene, D. (February, 2005). Scarcity and Abundance in the Construct of the Body. Panel Presentation at Western States Communication Association, San Francisco, California.
Greene, D. (June, 2004). Accessing the Inner Source of Healing: Transformational Kinesiology. Presentation at the 14th Annual International Society for the Study of Subtle Energies and Energy Medicine (ISSSEEM) conference, Colorado Springs, Colorado.
Greene, D. (November, 2000). Specialized Kinesiology: Biofeedback Indicator of Subtle Energy Stressors. American Institute of Stress (AIS) Conference. Kamuela, Hawaii
Greene, D. and Bruce Lipton (June, 2000). Healing From Soul to Cell: Perception Shapes Genetics. Presentation at the 10th Annual International Society for the Study of Subtle Energies and Energy Medicine (ISSSEEM) conference, Boulder, Colorado.
Greene, D. (June, 1999). Energy Follows Intent: The Healing Potential of Consciousness. Presentation at the International Society for the Study of Subtle Energies and Energy Medicine (ISSSEEM) conference. Boulder, Colorado.
Greene, D. (1999, February). Toward an Emerging Discipline: Communecology. Paper presented at the Western States Communication Conference, Vancouver, British Columbia.
Greene, D. (1998, May). The Significance of the Field of Somatics to Consciousness Studies. Poster session presented at Tucson III: Toward a Science of Consciousness conference, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona.
Greene, D. (1998, February). The Ageless Wisdom. Invited panelist at the Spiritual Practice Symposium, Transpersonal Psychology Department, John F. Kennedy University, Orinda, California.
Greene, D. (1998, January). Transformational Kinesiology: A Journey in Consciousness. Seminar taught at the Institute of Transpersonal Psychology, Palo Alto, California.
Greene, D. (1997, November). Creating a Center That Will Hold: The Senior Capstone Course. Panel Chair at the 83rd Annual National Communication Association Convention, Chicago, Illinois.
Greene, D. (1997, November). Drawing From Spiritual Taproots: Communication in the Context of the Ineffable. Panel Respondent at the 83rd Annual National Communication Association Convention, Chicago, Illinois.
Greene, D. (October, 1997). Healing from the Perspective of the Soul. Seminar taught at Rosebridge Graduate School of Integrative Psychology, Concord, California.
Greene, D. (1997, July). Conversing With the BodyMind: Transformational Kinesiology. Seminar taught at the Institute of Transpersonal Psychology, Palo Alto, California.
Greene, D. (1997, March). Transformational Kinesiology. Colloquium presented at the Institute of Transpersonal Psychology, Palo Alto, California.
Greene, D. (1997, March). Introduction to the Ageless Wisdom: A Journey in Consciousness. John F. Kennedy University, Winter Workshop Series, Orinda, California, March 1997.
Greene, D. (1997, February). The Ageless Wisdom. Invited panelist at the Spiritual Practice Symposium, Transpersonal Psychology Department, John F. Kennedy University, Orinda, California.
Greene, D. (1996, November). Communication as Articulated Breath. Paper presented at the 82nd Annual National Communication Association Convention, San Diego, California.
Greene, D. (1996, April). Visual Meditation. John F. Kennedy University, Spring Workshop Series, Orinda, California.
Greene, D. (1995, November). Somatics and Feminism: The Art and Science of Becoming Oneself. Paper presented at the 81st Annual National Communication Association Convention, San Antonio, Texas.
Greene, D. (1995, November). Talking Heads or Embodied Expressors? A Non-Audience Centered Approach to Presentational Speaking. Paper presented at the 81st Annual National Communication Association Convention, San Antonio, Texas.
Greene, D. (1995, October). Spirituality and Somatic Practice. Symposium facilitated at the Sixth International Somatics Congress, San Francisco, California.
Greene, D. (1995, April). Communicating From the Inside Out: A Somatic Revisioning of Traditional Assumptions. Paper presented at the Conference on Research in Gender and Communication, Albuquerque, New Mexico.
Greene, D. (1994, November). Communication as Somatic: Toward Conceptual Wholeness. Paper presented at the 80th Annual National Communication Association Convention, New Orleans, Louisiana.
Greene, D. (1994, May). Communicating the Body: Exploring Somatic Expression. Paper presented at the Somatics Conference, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio.
Greene, D. (1994, February). Listening to the Universe Within: Somatics as Intrapersonal Empowerment. Paper presented at the Western Speech Communication Association Convention, San Jose, California.
Greene, D. (1993, November). Communication and Compassion: An Integrative Model. Paper presented at the 79th Annual National Communication Association convention, Miami Beach, Florida.
Greene, D. (1993, April). Embodying Feminism: On the Relevance of Somatics to Rhetorical Theory. Paper presented at the Southern States/Central States Communication Association joint conference, Lexington, Kentucky.
Greene, D. (1993, March). Ingredients for Empowerment: A Feminist Recipe. Paper presented at the Conference on Research in Gender and Communication, Chicago, Illinois.
Greene, D. (1993, October). Who’s Doing Who? A Somatic Approach to Power in an Educational Setting. Panel presentation at the Conference on Curriculum Theory and Classroom Practice, The Bergamo Conference, Dayton, Ohio.
Greene, D. (1993, August/September). Spiritual Embodiment: Integration Through Communication. Paper presented at the Parliament of the World’s Religions, Chicago, Illinois.
Greene, D (1993, May). Talking Heads Or Embodied Expression? Presentation at the Somatics Conference, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio.
Greene, D. (1992, October). Spirituality, Feminism and Communication Unite: A Somatic Perspective. Paper presented at the Seminar on Spiritual Rhetoric, 78th Annual National Communication Association convention, Chicago, Illinois.
Greene, D. (1992, October). Moving into Awareness: The Human as Soma, Experience as Somatic. Panel presentation at the Conference on Curriculum Theory and Classroom Practice, The Bergamo Conference, Dayton, Ohio.
Greene, D. (1992, March). Feelings for a Feminist Future. Paper presented at the Conference on Research in Gender and Communication, Roanoke, Virginia.
University Teaching Experience
Interpersonal Communication: An integration of interpersonal communication theory and experiential learning with a special focus on relational communication: perception and meaning; self-disclosure and intimacy; listening; intrapersonal communication; and conflict resolution. Ohio State University, 1993-1994; University of Hawaii-Maui, 2003-2005.
Personal and Public Speaking: A survey course that includes interpersonal communication, interviewing techniques, presentational speaking, and small group facilitation. University of Hawaii-Maui, 2000-2001.
Principles of Holistic Health: A graduate course that explores the dimensions of holistic health, compares and contrasts the holistic approach with that of allopathy, and provides an overview of several foundational systems of holistic health. John F. Kennedy University, 1995-1998.
Physiology and Psychology of Stress: A graduate course that examines the nature and function of stress, the role of perceptual awareness in stress, and several mind/body modalities that have been shown to be beneficial for stress reduction. John F. Kennedy University, 1995-1998.
Transformational Kinesiology: A graduate practicum in which the holistic healing modality Transformational Kinesiology is explored including muscle testing, human energy constitution, and the law of cause and effect. John F. University, 1995-1998.
The Seven Rays Typology: A graduate course that explores the typology of the Seven Rays, from the trans-Himalayan perspective, with special emphasis on theory and application. John F. Kennedy University, 1995-1998.
Social Transformation: A graduate seminar assuming the paradigm of holism as a starting point to explore methods of social transformation from that framework. Specific focus is on innovative methods for change that are in alignment with the “new” paradigm. John F. Kennedy University, 1995-1998.
Integrative Final Project: A Master’s Thesis equivalent in which students are mentored to develop and refine individual projects that culminate their graduate studies. John F. Kennedy University, 1995-1998.
Paradigms of Consciousness: A graduate course that explores the emerging paradigm of holism and its implications for the transformation of consciousness. The course examines several existing holistic perspectives and explores consciousness from varied points of entry: the body, the psyche, and art and creativity. John F. Kennedy University, 1996-1998.
Exploring Somatic Potentials: A graduate seminar utilizing the holistic frameworks of somatic theory, quantum mechanics, and transpersonal psychology to explore the implications of these notions intellectually, interactively, and experientially. Ohio State University, 1995.
Body-Mind Integration: An experiential survey of various bodymind techniques with emphasis on furthering proprioceptive awareness. Includes breath work, progressive relaxation, kinesiology, guided imagery, visualization, and meditation. Ohio State University, 1995.
Presentational Speaking in the Organization: An advanced level course that explores presentational speaking in organizational settings with emphasis on creating communicative environments that promote safety, value, freedom and openness. Ohio State University, 1995.
Communication of Ideas and Attitudes: A survey of presentational speaking in diverse contexts with emphasis on choosing communicative options that create an environment of safety, value, freedom, and openness that is mutually beneficial for both speaker and audience. Ohio State University, 1992; 1994.
Small Group Communication: An overview of group communication processes utilizing general systems theory with a strong practicum component where students participate in facilitated small group activities while analyzing and theorizing about their own in-group behaviors as well as the group’s collective dynamics. Ohio State University, 1992.
Theories of Persuasion: A survey of various theories of persuasion from a social scientific perspective, with emphasis on ethical considerations in the creation and consumption of persuasive messages. Ohio State University, 1992.
Personal and Public Speaking: A semester long survey course that includes an equal focus on both interpersonal communication as well as presentational speaking. University of Kansas, 1990-1991.
Seminars, Workshops and Trainings Conducted
Mindfulness for Managers. Introductory training in mindfulness for managers. Four Seasons Resort, Maui, Wailea, Maui, March, 2020.
What is 5G and Why Should You Care? Presentation at various locations on Kauai island, July, 2019; Hawaii island, September, 2019; Rotary Club of Wailea, Maui, October, 2019; Oahu island, November, 2019; American Association of University Women (AAUW), Maui, Hawaii, April, 2020; Green Party Annual Convention, Maui, Hawaii, June, 2021.
Energy Mastery for Self Care – National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork (NCBTMB) accredited online program. July, 2018-present.
Connecting with your Higher Self – Workshop taught at the US Kinesiology Training Institute, Chapel Hill, North Carolina, May, 2018.
Inner Clarity Masterclass – Five week distance learning program with videos, audio recordings, and written materials, November, 2017-present.
Energy Mastery: Self Actualization through the Art and Science of Applied Energetics – Year-long distance learning program with videos, audio recordings, written materials and group phone sessions. October 2010-present.
Energy Medicine for Every Body: Tools for Transformation – Center for Spiritual Living, Salt Lake City, Utah, June, 2016; Unity of Salt Lake, Salt Lake City, Utah, June, 2016; Caritas Spiritualist Center, Boulder, Colorado, June, 2016; Pathways, Minneapolis, Minnesota, July, 2016.
Smart Meters: Are They Wise? – Presentation for the Rotary Clubs of Maui, January, 2014; April, 2014; August, 2014; December, 2014; Kihei Community Association, Kihei, Hawaii, November 2014; Maui Meadows Neighborhood Association, Kihei, Hawaii, January 2017.
Electromagnetic Stress: Sources and Solutions – Presentation at Health Touch, Durham, North Carolina, June 2014.
Empowered to Prosper – Workshop at the US Kinesiology Training Institute. Chapel Hill, North Carolina. June 2014.
How to Be Smart in the Heart – Presentation at the Four Seasons Resort Wellness Series, Wailea,Maui, Hawaii, September 2012; September 2013.
Stress-Free Communication – Presentation at the Four Seasons Resort Wellness Series, Wailea, Maui, Hawaii, September 2012; September 2013.
Deep Cleaning for the Soul – Association for the Integration of the Whole Person, Maui, Hawaii, May, 2010; Breathe Books, Baltimore, Maryland, June, 2013; Healing Touch of Boulder, Boulder, Colorado, July 2016; Wellness808, Kihei, Hawaii, January 2017.
Energies, Agriculture and EMFs, (oh my)! – Presentation at Maui Farmer’s Union United, Haiku, Maui, Hawaii, September 2013.
The Language of Love – Presentation at the Four Seasons Resort Wellness Series, Wailea, Maui, Hawaii, September, 2012.
Energy Medicine and the Multidimensional Human – Caritas Spiritist Center, Boulder, Colorado. August, 2012.
The Secret to Endless Energy – Presentation at Shine Restaurant and Gathering Place, Boulder, Colorado. August, 2012.
Energy Medicine and Your Health – Presentations at the Four Seasons Resort Wellness Series, Wailea, Maui, Hawaii, October, 2010; March 2011; September 2011; March 2012.
Why Do I Do That? Revealing and Healing Unconscious Motives – Presentation as part of the Four Seasons Resort Wellness Series, Wailea, Maui, Hawaii, October 2010; March 2011; September 2011; March 2012.
Belief Becomes Biology: Your Thoughts Are Things – Presentation as part of the Four Seasons Resort Wellness Series, Wailea, Maui, Hawaii, October 2010; March 2011; September 2011; March 2012.
Frequencies and Information: Beyond Energy Healing – Presentation as part of the Four Seasons Resort Wellness Series, Wailea, Maui, Hawaii, October 2010; March 2011; September 2011.
Inner Clarity (IC) Group Balance – Association for the Integration of the Whole Person, Maui, Hawaii, November, 2011.
Use and Care of Your Emotional Body – Maui Academy of Healing Arts. Maui, Hawaii, November 2010.
What is Healing Energy? – Maui Academy of Healing Arts, Maui, Hawaii, October 2010.
How to Stay Up When Your Numbers Are Down – eWomen, Reno, Nevada, July 2010.
Energy Mastery. Breathe Books, Baltimore, Maryland, June 2010.
What is Healing Energy? – The Collage, Morrison, Colorado, June 2010.
Spring Cleaning for the Soul – Association for the Integration of the Whole Person, Maui, Hawaii, May 2010.
Clearing Blocks to Financial Success – U.S. Kinesiology Institute, Chapel Hill, NC, June 2009.
NATIONAL BOOK TOUR – The Secret to Endless Energy: Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Healing Energies – Hill Country, Austin, Texas, April 2009; National Health Institute, San Jose, California; Open Secret, San Rafael, California April 2009; National Holistic Institute, San Francisco, California, April 2009; Black Oak Books, Berkeley, California, April 2009; Metaphysical Library, Ashland, Oregon, May 2009; Tea Party Bookshop, Salem, Oregon, May 2009; In Other Words, Portland, Oregon, May 2009; New Renaissance, Portland, Oregon, May 2009; Orca Books, Olympia, Washington, May 2009; Browsers Books, Olympia, Washington, May 2009; East West Books, Seattle, Washington, May 2009; Village Books, Bellingham, Washington, May 2009; Banyan Books, Vancouver, BC, May 2009; Healing Arts School, San Diego, California, May 2009; Armchair Adventurer, San Diego, California, May 2009; Mystic Journey, San Diego, California, May 2009; Learning Light, Anaheim, California, May 2009; Bodhi Tree, Los Angeles, California, May 2009; Dancing Moons, Raleigh, North Carolina, June 2009; Balance Center, Salt Lake City, Utah, June 2009; Yoga Shop, Park City, Utah, June 2009; The Collage, Morrison, Colorado, June 2009; Phoenix Books, Columbus, Ohio, July 2009; Gentle Winds, Columbus, Ohio, July 2009; Kafe Kerouac, Columbus, Ohio, July 2009; Ten Thousand Joys, Frederick, Maryland, July 2009; Breathe Books, Baltimore, Maryland, July 2009; Robins Books, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, July 2009; Whole Foods Market, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, July 2009; Braintree Books, Boston, Massachusetts, July 2009; Open Doors Metaphysical Book Store, Boston, Massachusetts, July 2009; Circles of Wisdom, Andover, Massachusetts, August 2009; In Spirit Common, Hadley, Massachusetts, August 2009; Inquiring Minds, New Paltz, New York, August 2009; Surf Astoria, New York, New York, August 2009.
Inner Clarity (IC): Muscle Testing 101 – Center for Holistic Counseling, Oakland, California, October March 2005; Association for the Integration of the Whole Person, Maui, Hawaii, May 2005; Center for Holistic Counseling, Oakland, California, August 2005; October 2005; February 2006; April 2006. Post-Conference Workshop, Energy Kinesiology Association conference, Salt Lake City, Utah, June 2007; Association for the Integration of the Whole Person, Maui, Hawaii, July 2007; January 2008; Breathe Books, Baltimore, Maryland, December 2010; Association for the Integration of the Whole Person, Maui, Hawaii, January 2011; Pre-Conference Workshop, Energy Kinesiology Association conference. Santa Fe, New Mexico, September 2011.
Curious About Kinesiology? – Graduate School for Holistic Studies Fall Retreat, John F. Kennedy University, Orinda, California, August 1995; Esalen’s Evening Program, Esalen Institute, Big Sur, California, April 2001, April 2002, September 2003, October 2004, October 2005; Body, Mind, Spirit Expo, Honolulu, Hawaii, June 2006; Healthy Hawaii Expo, Maui, Hawaii, October 2006; Breathe Books. Baltimore, Maryland, December 2010.
Inner Clarity (IC): Energy Protocols – Post-Conference Workshop, Energy Kinesiology Asociation conference, Salt Lake City, Utah, June 2007; Association for the Integration of the Whole Person, Maui, Hawaii, July 2007; January 2008; U.S. Kinesiology Institute, Chapel Hill, NC, June 2009.
Inner Clarity (IC): The Seven Rays of Energy – Post-Conference Workshop, Energy Kinesiology Association conference, Salt Lake City, Utah, June 2007; Association for the Integration of the Whole Person, Maui, Hawaii, July 2007.
Practical Application of Intimate Relationship Skills-PAIRS: Passage to Intimacy – Association for the Integration of the Whole Person, Maui, Hawaii, January 2001; Center for Holistic Counseling, Oakland, California, July 2001 January 2002; Association for the Integration of the Whole Person, Maui, Hawaii, March 2002; Center for Holistic Counseling, Oakland, California, April 2002, July 2002; Association for the Integration of the Whole Person, Maui, Hawaii, August 2002; St. Paul’s Greek Orthodox Church, Irvine, California, September, 2002; Center for Holistic Counseling, Oakland, California, October 2002; Association for the Integration of the Whole Person, Maui, Hawaii, November 2002; Center for Holistic Counseling, Oakland, California, February 2003; May 2003; September 2003; Vashon Island, Washington, October 2003; Center for Holistic Counseling, Oakland, California, November, 2003; February 2004; April 2004; Association for the Integration of the Whole Person, Maui, Hawaii, May 2004; Center for Holistic Counseling, Oakland, California, October 2004, January 2005; April 2005, June 2005; Association for the Integration of the Whole Person, Maui, Hawaii, July 2005; Center for Holistic Counseling, Oakland, California, September 2005; May 2006; October 2006; Association for the Integration of the Whole Person, Maui, Hawaii, October 2006; Center for Holistic Counseling, Oakland, California, February 2007; Association for the Integration of the Whole Person, Maui, Hawaii, July 07; January 2007; April 2007; October 2007; February 2008; June 2008; April 2010.
Foundations of Transformational Kinesiology – Institute of Conscious Bodywork, San Anselmo, California, March 1996; March 1998; Center for Holistic Counseling, Oakland, California, April-May 1998; September 1998; December 2000; Association for the Integration of the Whole Person, Maui, Hawaii, February 2001; April 2001; June 2001; December 2001; November 2002; Center for Holistic Counseling, Oakland, California, October 2003; December 2004; August 2004; March 2005; Association for the Integration of the Whole Person, Maui, Hawaii, May 2005; Center for Holistic Counseling, Oakland, California, August 2005; October 2005; February 2006; April 2006.
Transformational Kinesiology Level I – Kihei Chiropractic Spa and Sports Injury Center, Maui, Hawaii, March 2000; Association for the Integration of the Whole Person, Maui, Hawaii, June 2001; January 2005; July 2006.
Transformational Kinesiology Level II – Center for Holistic Counseling, Oakland, California, April 2001; Mill Valley, California, August 2001; Center for Holistic Counseling, Oakland, California, August 2006.
Couples Communication: Tools Two – The Center for Holistic Counseling, Oakland, California, October 2005.
Transformation of Body, Mind, and Spirit – Esalen Institute, Big Sur, California, October 2005.
Inner Clarity for the Director’s Team – Esalen Institute, Big Sur, California, March 2005.
Transformational Kinesiology: The Integration of Body, Mind, and Spirit – Esalen Institute, Big Sur, California, April 2002; September 2003; October 2004.
Energy Work – Panel Presentation at LifeFest, Kapalua, Maui, Hawaii, September, 2004.
Workplace Communication Skills Training Program – Maui Community College, VITEC (Visitor Industry Training and Economic Development Center), Maui, Hawaii, March 2003; June 2003; September 2003.
Fearless Presentational Speaking – Maui Community College, VITEC, Maui, Hawaii, September 2001
Thought-Forms – Presentation at the Ohana Connection, Wailuku, Hawaii, August, 2001.
From the Soil Food Web to the Energy Web – The Body and Soil Health Conference, Hawaiian Organic Farmers Association (HOFA), Maui, Hawaii, July, 2001.
Transformational Kinesiology: Belief Becomes Biology – Theosophical Society, Oakland, California, September, 1996; Integrative Center for Culture and Healing, St. Luke’s Hospital, San Francisco, California, May, 1998; The Ohana Connection, Maui, Hawaii, May, 2001.
When Awareness Isn’t Enough: Discover the Form Behind the Form – Esalen Institute, Big Sur, California, April 2001.
Practical Application of Intimate Relationship Skills: PAIRS First – Outrigger Resort, Maui, Hawaii, November 2000; Association for the Integration of the Whole Person, Maui, Hawaii, March, 2001.
Specialized Kinesiology: Biofeedback Indicator of Subtle Energy Stressors – American Institute of Stress (AIS) Conference. The Big Island, Hawaii, November 2000.
Specialized Kinesiology: Energizing Your Bodywork – Ka La Hiki Ola Center, Maui, Hawaii, September 1999; October 1999; Maui Academy of the Healing Arts, Maui, Hawaii, February 2000.
Transformational Kinesiology Level II-B: The Five Elements of Chinese Medicine – Center for Holistic Counseling. Oakland, California, August 1999.
Transformational Kinesiology Level II A&C: The Etheric Body – Center for Holistic Counseling. Oakland, California, September 1998.
Energy Medicine Solutions: Transformational Kinesiology – Invited speaker at the Integrative Center for Culture and Healing, St. Luke’s Hospital, San Francisco, California, May, 1998.
Embodying Spirit – Institute of Conscious Bodywork, San Anselmo, California, January 1997.
Energy Balancing Through Transformational Kinesiology – Columbus Psychological Center, Columbus, Ohio, January 1995.
Research Interests
Inner Clarity (IC) as a useful intervention for a vast array of energy imbalances; specialized kinesiology as a methodology for researching subjective states; causal effects of consciousness; modes of consciousness; holism as an emergent ontology; the link between communicative action and subjectivity.
Community and University Service
Energy Health Advocate: Conduct media appearances, educational presentations and programs nationwide for community groups, health fairs, massage schools, yoga studios, support groups, and wellness symposia to promote the understanding of energy-based practices and empower healthy lifestyle choices, 1994-present.
Founding Director, KeepYourPower.org, 2012-present.
President, Maui Meadows Neighborhood Association (MMNA), 2014-2015; 2021-present.
Chair, Sub-Committee on Quality Assurance, Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology (ACEP), 2021-present.
Secretary, Maui Meadows Neighborhood Association (MMNA), 2013-2014.
Chair, Ethics Committee, Energy Kinesiology Association (EnKA), 2011-2013.
Chair, Conference Presenter Committee, Energy Kinesiology Association (EnKA), 2011-2012.
Member, Conference Promotion Committee, Energy Kinesiology Association (EnKA), 2011-2012
President: Hawaii Wellness Tourism Association (HWTA): 2004-2006.
Board Member: Hawaii Wellness Tourism Association (HWTA): 2002-2003.
Wellness Event Coordinator: Planned, organized and co-sponsored the Wellness Room at LifeFest, Kapalua, Maui, Hawaii, September, 2004; September, 2005.
Member: Academic Consortium for the Advancement of Holistic Health: 1995-1998.
Member: Academic Standards Committee: John F. Kennedy University, 1995-1998.
Member: Academic Support Center Advisory Committee: John F. Kennedy University, 1995-1998.
Member: Faculty Senate: John F. Kennedy University, 1997-1998
Reviewer: Spiritual Communication Commission: Speech Communication Association, 1995.
Guest Instructor: Facilitated experiential personal growth activities for inmates at the Franklin County Pre-Release Center, Columbus, Ohio, 1994-1995.
Conference Coordinator: Planned, developed and co-hosted the 3rd and 4th Annual Somatics Conferences, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, May 1993 and May 1994.
Debra Greene – Biographies
Short Biography
Debra Greene, PhD, is a frequently quoted expert in the field of energy medicine and mind-body integration. She combines the best of leading-edge approaches with modern science in her clinical practice, writings, lectures, and nationwide media appearances. She is author of the acclaimed book, Endless Energy: The Essential Guide to Energy Health. Along with Oprah Winfrey, Michelle Obama, J. K. Rowling, and other notable women, Debra has a chapter in the award winning book, Goddess Shift: Women Leading for a Change. She is the founder of Inner Clarity (IC) and the Energy Mastery program. Having worked with thousands of clients and taught hundreds of workshops, Debra is known for her ability to get to the core of psychoenergetic imbalances and facilitate lasting improvement.
Long Biography
Debra Greene, PhD, is a holistic therapist and frequently quoted expert in the field of energy medicine and mind-body integration. She combines the best of ancient wisdom with modern science in her private practice, writings, lectures, and nationwide media appearances. Debra has worked with thousands of clients and taught hundreds of workshops.
Author of the acclaimed book Endless Energy: The Essential Guide to Energy Health, Debra is an engaging instructor, a dynamic presenter, and sought-after practitioner. She started her energy health practice in 1993 and is the founder of Inner Clarity (IC), an integrative balancing method that uses energy kinesiology to pinpoint hidden core beliefs and a variety of energy based techniques to facilitate lasting improvement.
Debra has co-presented with Biology of Belief author Bruce Lipton, Ph.D., and has been an invited guest panelist on energy medicine topics. Along with Oprah Winfrey, Michelle Obama, J.K. Rowling and other notable women, Debra is a contributing author in the new book Goddess Shift: Women Leading for a Change. An active presenter, she has facilitated hundreds of workshops, trainings, and presentations over the years for organizations such as the International Society for the Study of Subtle Energies and Energy Medicine (ISSSEEM), the American Institute of Stress (AIS), the Energy Kinesiology Association (EnKA), and the Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology (ACEP).
A former regular teacher at Esalen Institute, Debra taught trainings and workshops there between 2001-2006. She has also been a frequently invited teacher-in-residence who worked with the Esalen staff as well as the Esalen Directors Team. She taught full-time in the Graduate School for Holistic Studies at John F. Kennedy University where she developed a Master’s degree program in Holistic Health Education. Teaching courses such as Principles of Holistic Health, the Psychology and Physiology of Stress, Social Transformation, and Paradigms of Consciousness were her passion. She worked with author Fred Luskin, Ph.D., as a founding member of the Academic Consortium for the Advancement of Holistic Health.
A graduate of Ohio State University with a rigorous and rare Ph.D. in Communication and Somatic Studies, Debra is an energy adept, professionally trained facilitator, presenter and writer. As an energy kinesiologist, she trained directly with then President of the International Kinesiology College (IKC), Grethe Fremming, and IKC faculty Rolf Havsboel, completing their eight level training program in record time.
When LifeFest needed a presenter to speak on Energy Work alongside Phyllis Foromoto, the Lineage Bearer of Reiki, they invited Debra. She served as President of the Hawaii Wellness Tourism Association (HWTA) for two consecutive terms and worked in conjunction with the Hyatt Regency Maui and Maui Wellness Institute to develop a wellness program. Currently, she is on staff at the Four Seasons Resort Maui where she serves as a wellness consultant, teaches meditation, and offers private therapeutic sessions.
Debra has a private practice on Maui, where she lives. She offers her life transforming online program, Energy Mastery for Self Care: The Art & Science of Applied Energetics, accredited for CEs by the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork (NCBTMB), and private phone/zoom sessions worldwide. Choose from Individual Counseling, Couples Counseling, Subconscious Self Integration and Inner Clarity.