Phone/Zoom Sessions

Phone/zoom sessions: Inner Clarity
Time for a change?
Are you ready to break through old patterns and significantly improve your life? Sign-up for a phone session (or in-person on Maui) and let me help you quickly and easily make the changes necessary to improve any aspect of your life. Guaranteed!*
Your Answers!
This one-of-a-kind facilitated session brings amazing insights that are unique to you, looking deeply into places you may have never seen before, asking questions you never thought to ask. An Inner Clarity session reveals the answers you’ve always wanted: Your answers.
Begin Within...
My consciousness-based Inner Clarity (IC) process can accelerate your transformation and propel you forward in manifesting your goals.
My clients are fond of saying
One IC session is worth a year of conventional counseling.
Some even say 10 years. (Seriously!)
What can an IC session help with?
If there’s an aspect of your life you want to improve I can help you:
Get unstuck
Overcome fear
Shift out of a funk
Stop self-sabotage
Recover from a breakup
Resolve relationship issues
Relieve stress and overwhelm
Change your attitude or behavior
Get clarity on a major life decision
Clear the decks for a new relationship
Rapidly advance on your spiritual path
Have You Graduated From Therapy?
If you’re on this website it’s probably because you are interested in high-powered personal growth. You’ve likely done your share of workshops, seminars and sessions and are looking for something with substance. You’re ready for the most innovative “technologies of the self” on your path of conscious improvement. You’ve come to the right place!
Your life is fairly together but an issue has come up and you feel challenged, maybe even stuck. You don’t want to go back to therapy for weeks or months (even years!). You want an approach that is efficient, effective, and that builds on your current level of self-awareness. Put my innovative techniques to work for you and enjoy single session success!
Maybe it’s not one specific issue that’s holding you back, but a general feeling of being weighted down. We all have an internal junk drawer. It’s the place inside of us where we put all the stuff we don’t want to deal with, don’t have time to deal with, or don’t know how to deal with. Comes a time when that junk drawer gets full and needs to be cleaned out. Now’s the time!
Your limiting beliefs are all that stand between you and what you want.
What You Can Expect in Just One Session
Significant improvement and shifts
Insights into hidden obstacles and limiting beliefs
Transformation of deep-seated issues with grace and ease
Raising of your awareness to new levels
More freedom, joy, and inner peace
Releasing of blocks to creativity
Gain energy, clarity, and lightness of being
Become more conscious and self-evolved
How It Works…
In this interactive session, with your permission, I tune-in to your system energetically and we can pinpoint exactly what's getting in your way. Awareness is key - the process is interactive and participatory. Often it involves accessing subconscious saboteurs, bringing them more fully into your awareness. Then energy based techniques are used to transform those limitations once they are brought into the light of consciousness, so you can achieve deep and lasting transformation with ease.
Life coaching on steroids with an intuitive healer, is how one client puts it.
Dissolve limiting beliefs, negative programming, emotional triggers, patterned behaviors, and adopt healthy ones to live a more balanced and harmonious life. Feel less stress, greater peace and more vibrant energy and aliveness. Expect significant results in just one session!
The Details
Sessions are online (zoom). Rates are $150/hour. Payment is by PayPal, Venmo, Zelle, or credit card. IC sessions usually last about two hours. However, everyone is different. I work according to your needs and not according to the clock. Your session may end earlier or may go longer but two hours is a sincere estimate.
You may be thinking about money but consider this: Where can you get immediate – and often permanent – relief from a stressful situation in just one session? Where can you have your process fully completed in one appointment? No endless string of “come back next week”? Where can you significantly transform an entrenched pattern in just one session? Conventional therapy would take weeks, months, even years to accomplish the same. When you compare the cost you will see that an IC session is truly a bargain! And it’s 100% risk free.*
*Here’s my GUARANTEE
Yes, I actually offer a guarantee. Based on my 25+ year track record I am so confident I can help you in just one session that, upon completion of the session, if you are not satisfied you don’t have to pay me! How many other therapists or coaches offer you that? I hope you can see that my work is unique and categorically different than other approaches. Check out what others are saying about IC.
Request Your Session Date & Time Below
Please fill out the form below to request your appointment. I am impeccable! I will reply within 48 hours and do my best to accommodate your time frame. Evenings and weekends are OK too. Currently I'm in East Coast timezone. Click here for time zones.
I look forward to working with you to achieve the most amount of change in the least amount of time!

Phone/zoom sessions: Counseling & Expert Guidance

Are you stressed out or overwhelmed?
Has a situation come up that you’re unsure of how to handle?
Are you in need of a trained counselor and some expert guidance?
Relationship conflict. Issues at work. A misunderstanding with a friend or family member. There is no shortage of opportunities for anxiety, stress, even depression. Navigating your way through certain challenging situations can be confusing and overwhelming. It's easy to spin around inside your mind trying to figure out what to do to make things better.
But you’ve decided therapy is not a good fit for this situation. You don’t have a diagnosed condition. There’s nothing clinically “wrong” with you. You want solutions to this situation. And you want them now.
If you’re looking for the best possible way to handle life's challenges or a difficult situation, I can help you. My intention is to give you the support you need and empower you with tools, tips and techniques so you can move through the issue quickly and effortlessly. None of this, “Time’s up, see you next week” that can go on for months, even years, that’s so common in most therapy. With my background and 25+ years of experience in helping people achieve the most amount of change in the least amount of time, my goal is to empower you with expert guidance, tools and techniques to bring resolution quickly and easily.
I have been working with clients facilitating communication, clarity, conflict resolution and empowerment for decades. A treasure trove of information and resources, I am knowledgeable about conscious communication, stress reduction, emotional release techniques and alternative healing modalities. I am an experienced life transformation coach, deep listener and intuitive guide.
How it works: Sessions are by phone or zoom (or in-person on Maui). Evening and weekend appointments are available as well as regular business hours. Click here to schedule. Once I receive your session request I will respond by email within 48 hours. Payment is by credit card or PayPal at the end of the session. My rate for counseling and conscious coaching is $125/hour. I look forward to working with you!
About Debra Greene, PhD
I work with people who are on a path of conscious improvement but have encountered an obstacle they can’t seem to overcome. I help you break free quickly and easily so you can move forward with confidence and ease. My PhD is from Ohio State University where I studied communication and somatics (mind-body integration). I combine the best of ancient wisdom with modern science in my private practice, writings, lectures, and nationwide media appearances. Founder of Inner Clarity (IC), and author of the acclaimed book, Endless Energy: The Essential Guide to Energy Health. l live on Maui island in Hawaii and offer sessions worldwide. Click here to read more about me. Click here to schedule. I look forward to working with you!

Phone/zoom sessions: Subconscious Self Integration

Understand Thyself…
Are you ready to take your process of self-awareness to a deeper level?
Does discovering more of your “shadow side” sound inviting, even exciting?
Would you like to sustain complete inner alignment to manifest your goals?
Could you benefit from more integration and less self-sabotage?
Are you ready to jump-start your spiritual growth?
Do you want to experience life more fully and completely?
Welcome to Subconscious Self Integration (SSI)! The fact is none of us are fully integrated. Usually when an aspect of your life is not going the way you want it to, some subconscious aspect is at play, an aspect that is out of your control.
Allow me to assist you in efficiently, gracefully and safely facing what you may not want to face. Attain skills to help you move beyond self-imposed limitations. Develop skills to accomplish soul-advancement. Choose to go within and really know yourself.
You are responsible for your own liberation.
Empower yourself through the SSI process.
What is SSI?​
The SSI process is a series of facilitated journeys to discover, communicate, and directly work with the subconscious aspects of your mind. It is a process of meeting and befriending these aspects, called Selves, whose influences you have likely noticed at various times in your life.
Through this facilitated process you develop a rapport with each of these Selves, of which there are six, and this rapport allows you to understand, expand and enrich the influences of the Selves–and you!
The SSI work is a facilitated educational process in which you learn a set of life skills that equip you with simple, self-empowering tools that you can use and benefit from for the rest of your life.
Benefits of this work include:
Internal coherence
Greater fulfillment
Expanded creativity
Alignment of purpose
Inner support and wisdom
Synthesis of divergent aspects
Direct access to guidance
Richer life experiences
Deeper understanding
More openness
New perceptions
Lasting change
What people are saying about the process
The experience of meeting each of your Selves is fascinating, thrilling and enlightening all at the same time. Debra is wise and careful guide in the process as well as skilled interpreter in new knowledge and new communication avenues. If you’ve ever tried to reason out a thought or decision and found a swirl or unclear resolution, the lack of cooperation between your Selves is very likely a factor. When you meet your Selves your thoughts, behaviors and dreams take on a new clarity. When you meet your Selves you find extraordinary talent, insight and a rich understanding. Subconscious Self Integration provides a vast wealth of understanding and becomes and ongoing source of insight in your life. – Dave Moore, Interior Designer
Going through this process with Debra has changed the way I look at internal conflicts and issues. By giving me a language to use when communicating with various aspects of myself, the SSI work has instilled in me a greater level of confidence that I can work through any blocks I encounter on my path. Debra has a an empathetic and compassionate style that sticks with you even after the sessions are over. – Beth Bock, PhD Student in Public Affairs
How it works
Sessions are by phone or Skype video. Evening and weekend appointments are available as well as regular business hours. Once I receive your session request I will respond by email within 48 hours. Payment is by credit card at the end of the session or by PayPal in advance. Rates for SSI sessions are $150/hour. Sessions may last more than an hour as I work according to your needs and not according to the clock. The SSI process also involves fun and engaging homework assignments, which I call “homeplay.” I look forward to working with you!
About Debra Greene, PhD.
Debra is a certified Personal Self Integration (PSI) Trainer through the Center for Human Potential. She trained with Harvey and Julie Grady, the developers of the PSI process and founders of the Center for Human Potential. Debra completed her own “meeting and befriending the Selves” process facilitated by Julie and Harvey and she continues to communicate with her Selves on a regular basis.
Debra is a frequently quoted expert in the field of energy medicine and mind-body integration. She combines the best of leading-edge approaches with modern science in her private practice, writings, lectures, and nationwide media appearances. She is the founder of Inner Clarity (IC), a consciousness based healing modality, and author of the acclaimed book, Endless Energy: The Essential Guide to Energy Health. Having worked with thousands of clients and taught hundreds of workshops, she is known for her ability to get to the core of psycho-energetic imbalances and facilitate lasting improvement.