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I love facilitating guided meditations. You may hear birds and geckos in the background as I live on Maui in Hawaii and these happy creatures are everywhere!
The email I've sent you contains a link to the 17 meditations or you can just scroll below to get started!

Free Guided Meditations
Guided Meditations and Energy Health Exercises
Facilitated by Debra Greene, PhD
These 17 meditations were recorded in my home-office on Maui. (If you listen carefully you can hear geckos and birds in the background!) They are offered free of charge in the spirit of service.
If you are new to meditation or just establishing a practice, it is helpful to start with Meditation Made Easy. This contains helpful instructions and a meditation that is partly guided and partly non-guided so you can experience both, a guided meditation and being on your own without guidance:
Here is the Meditation Made Easy, which is the meditation only, without the instructions:
Here is a quick 3 minute Aloha Breath meditation for fast relaxation during a busy day:
Here is a 6 minute Maui Beach meditation, perfect for those cold winter days, so you can go to Maui in your mind:
The following guided meditations and exercises are from my book, Endless Energy: The Essential Guide to Energy Health. In some of the exercises the word inergy is used to describe nonphysical, subtle energies that are laced with information and accessed inside of us (energy + information + inside = inergy). Although the exercises are best understood within the context of my book, you can greatly improve your life by simply practicing them. Enjoy!
Each exercise serves a specific purpose. Briefly, these are: