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Writer's pictureDebra Geene

How Do You Handle Change?

The times they are a-changin' as Bob Dylan aptly put it. We need not look far to see this is a time of instability in economic, political and social structures. Are you equipped with enough inner flexibility that you can be resilient in moving through the changes that must come? Are you sufficiently connected with your High Self so that you can draw upon those internal resources? Are you situated in personal circumstances in such a way that you may successfully surf the waves of change globally and in your personal world? 

When connected with Higher Consciousness you become much more resourceful. Fear loses its power and you become able to recognize the opportunities in rapidly changing circumstances. 

All change carries with it the risk of the unknown and the unexpected. Some find this exciting and welcome the challenge. Others go down the path of change reluctantly, resisting all the way. A conscious awareness of your response to change can help you better prepare yourself for the changes now set in motion.  

Answer the following questions to find out how well you cope with change. You won't be scored at the end, but reflect on those that seem especially relevant and challenging ... and consider changing them! :) Quiz:  How Well Do You Cope With Change? 

T / F     1. I hesitate to make a change until everything seems 100% right.  

T / F     2. I don't make changes until they are forced on me.

T / F     3. Generally, I look forward to change as exciting and challenging.

T / F     4. I'm the kind of person who has to be totally fed up before I'll make any changes.

T / F     5. When confronted with a change over which I have little control, I review the events and my behavior to determine if I could have done anything differently.

T / F     6. Rather than feeling responsible for negative changes that come out of nowhere, I take responsibility for my reaction to them.

T / F     7. I realize that sometimes even "good" changes have an underside that may bring unexpected problems.

T / F     8. I realize that a positive change in one area of my life won't smooth out all my problems.

T / F     9. When coming to terms with a major change in my life, I attempt to keep other changes to a minimum.

T / F     10. When a change or transition occurs, I review how I have handled other such events in my life for lessons on how to deal with this event.

T / F     11. I look for other people who have undergone similar changes as models for how I might better handle the change in my life.

T / F     12. During a time of change, I ask for help and support from those close to me, reliable friends and outside professionals.

T / F     13. After a life change, I step back from the situation to get perspective and rest in order to regain a sense of balance.

T / F     14. I try to look at the "big picture" of the change, and acknowledge any mixed feelings I might have.

T / F     15. Rather than blaming or feeling victimized, when I'm caught in a change over which I have no control, I "pick myself up, dust myself off" and continue to move forward.

T / F     16. I don't hold onto the "way things used to be," but instead move into "the way things are now."

T / F     17. In order to make a necessary change, I am willing to risk disapproval and lack of support from others.

T / F     18. When something positive happens for someone that might change our relationship, I don't let my fears get in the way of being supportive of that person.

Need Help?

If changes in your life are causing difficulty, or if you need help in developing some inner resources to cope with change, don't hesitate to make a phone appointment with me. I can help.  Supporting Your Health on All Levels,


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